• About Me


    Stewart Ford is a successful entrepreneur, venture capitalist, mentor, and philanthropist. His 35-year business career has spanned various industries, from fintech to renewable energy. Throughout his career, he has contributed to raising nearly £5 billion in structured investments, renewable energy projects, and venture capital funds.


    Current Roles and Responsibilities


    Stewart has worked in venture capital since 2004. He sees this role as an opportunity to assist others in bridging the gap between where they are and where they want to be. He has funded numerous businesses over the years and is willing to offer advice based on his many years of experience working in the business at all levels. Working with talented people has always been a top priority for Stewart. He has assisted his colleagues and peers in advancing in their respective fields based on their expertise on numerous occasions.


    Stewart's experience and professional accomplishments make him the ideal VC partner. Wherever he goes, Stewart identifies and leverages an organization's most valuable assets to his advantage. He is adaptable enough to fit any situation, making him a valuable asset in the business world.


    For example, while working with a specific fund manager, Stewart quickly recognized the individual's talent and encouraged him to market his skills by establishing a special venture capitalist trust. The manager went on to raise a significant amount of money.


    Stewart Ford of industries ranging from fintech to renewable energy. Throughout his career, he has contributed to raising nearly £5 billion in structured investments, renewable energy projects, and venture capital funds.


    Career Background


    Steward has created several Income and Growth Venture Capital Trusts. He served on the boards of all of these PLC companies, where he applied his practical thought process and business acumen to produce quantifiable results. These trusts had very different investment objectives, investing in AIM-listed companies with significant growth potential and renewable energy assets. Stewart's ability to raise significant amounts of investment funds through his financial distribution channels, particularly about renewable energy assets, benefited all of these investment Trusts.


    Stewart also founded several businesses under his leadership, including New Media Marketing and Design Agency Zig-Zag Communications. The company eventually became the most prominent business in Scotland at the time. Zig-Zag would publish magazines, design brochures, and even film and edit TV commercials for the Scottish Television Group.


    Stewart ascended the entrepreneurial ladder in part by staying current with current trends. For example, after observing the success of commercial digital photographic studios in the United States, he established his facilities in the United Kingdom in 1991. Stewart assisted numerous businesses in the 1990s by specializing in interactive CD-ROMs, digital corporate presentations, and data storage/warehousing.


    After gaining traction in his space, Stewart Ford established Keydata UK LTD, an offshoot that became the number one distributor of financial products and information to 30,000 financial investment professionals. Stewart is keenly interested in this field, which is changing quickly due to shifting consumer habits. He has observed changes in how people invest, what they invest in, and what drives these changes. Sharing information with others gives them the tools they need to allocate their clients' money to build a more robust portfolio.


    Professional Qualifications and Experience


    Stewart is a versatile professional who has worked in marketing, publishing, renewable energy, and life settlement assets. He was constantly tracking what was working and what wasn't in every organization he was a part of. His insights and advice aided in the transformation of loss-making businesses into multi-million-pound success stories. While at Keydata, he acquired a losing regulated business called Fedsure, changed its name and focus, and transformed it into a profitable multi-billion-pound investment firm. Stewart was instrumental in developing the infrastructure and management teams that would help spearhead several initiatives he created, which would eventually raise approximately 5 billion pounds in investment funds.


    Stewart works to establish order and efficiency before stepping back so the team can get on with the job, from sales and marketing to client services and financial administration. He is skilled at matching people whose skills complement one another, resulting in less friction and increased productivity. This skill will provide him with some of the best returns during his career. To Stewart, being a leader does not entail taking on all responsibilities. It is about defining a company's basic shape and allowing qualified people to fill in the gaps.


    Involvement in Philanthropy/Charitable Work


    Stewart Ford established the Ring Chromosome 20 Charitable Trust in 2002, following the birth of his daughter with the condition. Stewart also opened a medical practice in New York in 2006 to regularly help those who suffer from seizures. This organization continues to fund research and share information about this disorder.


    The Foundation is doing everything it can to encourage people to discuss their symptoms and treatment outcomes, whether they are families, patients, or practitioners. The more people are aware, the more likely it is that meaningful discoveries about how to best care for people with the disorder will be made.


    Stewart is also heavily involved in 'Jeeps for Peace,' a program that provides four-wheel drive vehicles to Ukraine. These are deployed to the front lines to recover wounded soldiers or displaced civilians. So far, Jeeps for Peace supporters have managed to send over 36 jeeps. His target is to provide at least 100 Jeeps.




    Stewart's business mentor relationships were primarily with managing directors in the publishing, renewable energy, and financial services industries.


    He is an excellent mentor in establishing trust with people and improving the connections he shares over time. For quite some time, the business world has been moving at the speed of light, with technology at the center. Stewart's experience and guidance are crucial in allowing those he mentors to pause and understand what's happening now so they can better predict what's coming around the corner.




    Stewart Ford has expertise and experience in the following areas: structured investments, fintech, venture capital, renewable energy, publishing, digital photography, new media, and advertising. He realized in 2007 that his personal and business assets were in good enough shape for him to step back from day-to-day operations. With over £500 million net worth, he relocated to Switzerland for the next ten years to focus on his mentorship and philanthropic efforts.